When you work on a payment project, you often need to refer to payment messages descriptions to find out specific information about the messages structures, fields, attributes and so on. On this page, you find the most common messages for SEPA and SWIFT and the links to pages containing detailed descriptions as provided in the SEPA implementations guidelines, the ISO documentation or the SWIFT Message Reference Guides. More messages will be added later. Few videos will be created on the youtube channel, PaiementorTV, to provide explanations about few fields. Like the page if you find it useful and send a mail if you have any suggestion or question.

SEPA Credit Transfer Messages

WP Data Tables

SEPA Instant Credit Transfer Messages

WP Data Tables

SEPA Core Direct Debit Messages

WP Data Tables

SEPA B2B Direct Debit Messages

WP Data Tables

ISO 20022 Standard Messages

WP Data Tables

SWIFT MT Messages

The SWIFT MT Message structure with the blocks 1 to 5 is available on this page. Links to detailed descriptions of each block are also provided on that page. The list of all SWIFT MT messages and their purposes is provided on this page. The SWIFT MT and MX equivalences for the message categories 1, 2 and 9 are provided on this page.

WP Data Tables