The SWIFT MT and MX equivalences for the message categories 1, 2 and 9 is provided below. They are available in the document Standards MT – MT and MX Equivalence Tables. Use the search box above the table to easily find specific information.
MT Number | MT Name | MX ID | MX Name |
MT 101 | Request for Transfer | pain.001 | CustomerCreditTransferInitiation |
MT 102 | Multiple Customer Credit Transfer | pacs.008 | FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer |
MT 102 STP | Multiple Customer Credit Transfer | pacs.008 | FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer |
MT 103 | Single Customer Credit Transfer | pacs.008 | FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer |
MT 103 STP | Single Customer Credit Transfer | pacs.008 | FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer |
MT 103 REMIT | Single Customer Credit Transfer | pacs.008 | FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer |
MT 104 | Direct Debit and Request for Debit Transfer Message | pain.008 | CustomerDirectDebitInitiation (when MT 104 is Request for Direct Debit) |
MT 104 | Direct Debit and Request for Debit Transfer Message | pacs.003 | FIToFICustomerDirectDebit (when MT 104 is Direct Debit) |
MT 105 | EDIFACT Envelope | None available | None available |
MT 107 | General Direct Debit Message | pacs.003 | FIToFICustomerDirectDebit |
MT 110 | Advice of Cheque(s) | None available | None available |
MT 111 | Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque | None available | None available |
MT 112 | Status of a Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque | None available | None available |
MT 200 | Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account | camt.050 | LiquidityCreditTransfer |
MT 200 | Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account | pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
MT 201 | Multiple Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account | pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
MT 202 | General Financial Institution Transfer | pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
MT 202 COV | General Financial Institution Transfer | pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
MT 203 | Multiple General Financial Institution Transfer | pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
MT 204 | Financial Markets Direct Debit Message | pacs.010 | FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit |
MT 205 | Financial Institution Transfer Execution | pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
MT 205 COV | Financial Institution Transfer Execution | pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
MT 210 | Notice to Receive | camt.057 | NotificationToReceive |
MT 900 | Confirmation of Debit | camt.054 | BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification |
MT 910 | Confirmation of Credit | camt.054 | BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification |
MT 920 | Request Message | camt.060 | AccountReportingRequest |
MT 935 | Rate Change Advice | None available | None available |
MT 940 | Customer Statement Message | camt.053 | BankToCustomerStatement |
MT 941 | Balance Report | camt.052 | BankToCustomerAccountReport |
MT 942 | Interim Transaction Report | camt.052 | BankToCustomerAccountReport |
MT 950 | Statement Message | camt.053 | BankToCustomerStatement |
MT 970 | Netting Statement | camt.053 | BankToCustomerStatement |
MT 971 | Netting Balance Report | camt.052 | BankToCustomerAccountReport |
MT 972 | Netting Interim Statement | camt.052 | BankToCustomerAccountReport |
MT 973 | Netting Request Message | camt.060 | AccountReportingRequest |
MT 985 | Status Enquiry | None available | None available |
MT 986 | Status Report | None available | None available |
MT n90 (190, 290, 990 and others) | Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments | None available | None available |
MT n91 (191, 291, 991 and others) | Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses | None available | None available |
MT n92 (192, 292, 992 and others) | Request for Cancellation | camt.055 | CustomerPaymentCancellationRequest |
MT n95 (195, 295, 995 and others) | Queries | camt.026 | UnableToApply |
MT n95 (195, 295, 995 and others) | Queries | camt.027 | ClaimNonReceipt |
MT n95 (195, 295, 995 and others) | Queries | camt.033 | RequestForDuplicate |
MT n96 (196, 296, 996 and others) | Answers | camt.028 | AdditionalPaymentInformation |
MT n96 (196, 296, 996 and others) | Answers | camt.029 | ResolutionOfInvestigation |
MT n96 (196, 296, 996 and others) | Answers | camt.031 | RejectInvestigation |
MT n96 (196, 296, 996 and others) | Answers | camt.034 | Duplicate |
MT n98 (198, 298, 998 and others) | Proprietary Message | None available | None available |
MT n99 (199, 299, 999 and others) | Free Format Message | None available | None available |