The description of the SWIFT MT Message Block 5 (Trailers) is provided in the table below. For the sake of clarity, following elements have been added: Start of block indicator, Block identifier, Separator and End of block indicator. There are in general not part of block descriptions in the availabe documentation. But I think it can be useful. Back to SWIFT MT Message structure page with links to the other blocks.
# | Tag or field name | M / O | Description and Semantic | Content / Options | Example |
Start of block indicator | M | The character { indicates the beginning of a block. | Left curly bracket { | { | |
Block identifier | M | 1 to 3 alphanumeric characters used to define block contents. Trailer block identiifer is 5. | 3c | 5 | |
Separator | M | The character : indicates the end of the block identifier. | Colon : | : | |
1 | CHK - Checksum | M | Checksum calculated for all message types | {CHK:12!h} | {CHK:123456789ABC}} |
2 | TNG - Test & Training Message | O | Only in test and training mode | {TNG:} | {TNG:} |
3 | PDE - Possible Duplicate Emission | O | Possible Duplicate Emission is added if user thinks the same message was sent previously. On LHS we have three components for PDE: 1. PDE_TimeMIR - This has values time and Message Input Reference 2. PDE_Time - This has the time. 3. PDE_ 4 PDE_Empty- Holds no values. Source needs to be checked which of the above contains values and accordingly need to populate the target. Either of this will be present. | {PDE:[ | {PDE:1348120811BANKFRPPAXXX2222123456} |
4 | DLM - Delayed Message | O | DLM is added by SWIFT if an urgent message (U) has not been delivered within 15 minutes, or a normal message (N) within 100 minutes. | {DLM:} | {DLM:} |
5 | MRF - Message Reference | O | The MRF trailer specifies the message reference of the original user message in MT 096 FIN Copy to Central Institution Messages. Date when the Message was sent. | {MRF: - Date format: YYMMDD - Fulltime format: HH24MM - Message Input Reference (MIR) is that of the original user message whose fields are copied in the MT 096 FIN Copy to Central Institution Message. For format specifications, see SYS tag below. | {MRF:1806271539180626BANKFRPPAXXX2222123456} |
6 | PDM - Possible Duplicate Message | O | The PDM trailer is added by the system to any output message (GPA and FIN with a Service Identifier of 01) being resent because a prior delivery may not be valid. If a system PLT receives a report request with a PDM trailer, the response has a plain PDM (without the optional delivery reference). Other PDMs may be added because of unsuccessful delivery attempts to the user. | {PDM:[ | {PDM:1213120811BANKFRPPAXXX2222123456} |
7 | SYS - System Originated Message | O | The system message or service message, which is generated by a system PLT, has a SYS trailer. All solicited system messages with a Service Identifier of 01, contain the Message Input Reference (MIR) of the request, and may contain the time. | {SYS:[ | {SYS:1454120811BANKFRPPAXXX2222123456} |
End of block indicator | M | The Block identifier end tag | Right curly bracket } | } |
Back to SWIFT MT Message structure page with links to the other blocks.
Sources for this page are: IBM knowledge center and SWIFT MT standards.